I’m not angry and this isn’t sanctimonious stories. I’m just tired, being a smart ass with the title, but wanting to get an article out tomorrow morning, and have had some wine…and this one writes itself. I have 50 drafts, but some require research, and I don’t feel like it tonight.
The title is of course referring to health care, and I am not making veiled assimilations with my current situation. Sometimes the Medical Industrial Complex just sucks the fun and soul out of everything. Recently I realized that I have really worked for Medicare my whole career. That’s my employer, good or bad.
Perspective can be a great leveler. I came home to my 11 year old distraught about his busted cell phone. I told him in general that I see some pretty rough cases during the day, and a busted cell phone really isn’t a big deal. Of course, hypocrite number one right here, would be just as frustrated over the stupid technology!
When I went to school to be in this profession, I was taught to never discuss religion or politics with any of the patients. And to also keep your distance. Don’t get too close, too personal, don’t be friends. You won’t be objective.
Some of that is true, however mostly they were wrong. When I was in my 20’s, and was shortly out of school, I would see someone down the isle at Walmart and quickly walk the other way. Can’t be seen in public, and certainly don’t want to talk to them outside of work.
Slowly over time, I realized how much I enjoyed talking to patients. Sometimes we’re in a rush, and don’t always have time, that’s different. Of course now that I’ve said that, someone will accuse me of ignoring them in public. Sometimes I just don’t remember every name. You’ll have to accost me, and say “don’t you remember me?!” BTW, I do play word association to try and remember people’s names. You might be Marsha (Brady).
Over the years I started handing out my cell phone number. “Are you crazy?!?” “They might call you!” And you know that hardly ever happens. Only in extreme cases where someone actually needs help do they call, and the trust feels good.
The bond I have with some of the customers is something I really cherish. (Close your ears HR), we do talk politics, and we do give each other a hard time, and tell dirty jokes, and laugh, and cry, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Sorry, the sanctimony is creeping back. If we’re being honest, sometimes I appear to give a shit because it makes me feel good also.
What I mean to say is, the relationships make the job better. The distance is the drag. The distance is boring. Sometimes the distance doesn’t help. When I win someone over, their outcomes are better.
I have another draft titled “I get to see you for hours…” Which is true. And that helps us to really figure out what’s going on. It’s the general impression of how messed up you are (kidding).
When we get to spend so much time together, sometimes we figure out and fix the problem.