I don’t advocate that kids lift weights, however, this has always been a blanket statement without regard for circumstance.
Weight and force are relative. Ever see a kid jump out of a treehouse? They do this repeatedly and are usually fine. More than fine, it’s required that they run, jump and play for normal bone and muscle development. A jump from height is a force on their bodies, many times their body weight. One of the myths about weightlifting with kids is that it disrupts their growth plates. I would argue that if that was going to happen, it would happen with jumps down from heights. In 27 years of rehab I never met a kid where the parents said, “Yep, the doctor said he’s stunted for life because he ruined his growth plate jumping off the top bunk.”
Before we even consider weight lifting, there are body weight exercises to look at first. Suggest these exercises and tests first; stand on one foot for 60 seconds, do a one legged squat, perform lunges, pull ups, push ups, and dips. Kids (and adults) should not do heavy squats if they don’t have balance and stability. I’ve met kids in high school performing squats with heavy weight, who can’t do a lunge under their own power. These basic body weight exercises will also improve athletic ability. You can be extremely strong under a bar, but sport is about speed, movement, and adjustments.
Kids currently lift weights in rehab. What’s the difference? If a child is being helped to stand from a wheelchair, they are trying to lift between 30 and 100 pounds. This is far harder and more weight than lifting a 10 pound dumb bell.
If we get to the actually lifting of iron, there are parameters to consider. First, I hope the kid is doing it because they want to or are inspired to by watching someone else. I think if they aren’t interested themselves, then chance of injury will increase. Second, the child should be spotted by an adult. Hold off on heavy overhead lifts, and don’t drop them on your foot. Third, the kid should be able to lift the weight 10 times with good form. This is far less stress on the bones than jumping down from your truck bed. Good form is relative. Just don’t sway or cheat too much to finish a set.
Kid’s tissues are far more resilient than adult tissue. Some medical professionals say that school back packs are getting too heavy. Nonsense! A child can handle it and I would argue these days they need it. The real issue is improving postural muscles.
Sugar, TV and video games are far more harmful to kids than weight lifting.