Mostly. So long as you have a sense of humor about it, I do also.
If you’re complaining incessantly that you’re in pain, and not getting better, and not doing your exercises, well that’s a different story.
Maybe I’ve been doing this too long, but when you’re retired, and sheepishly tell me,
My dog ate the exercise sheet
I had “company”
I had a bridge game
I didn’t understand how to do them, even though we’ve completed them together for the previous 10 visits
I’d rather just get the shot
I don’t have time (thinking emoji)
I didn’t feel like it
I don’t like getting “sweaty”
I don’t have a “place” to do them
Well then I think it’s hilarious. And I reserve the right to tease you about it (oh, that sounds like an empathy violation!)
You’re paying us for advice. You don’t have to follow it. But you also can’t have it both ways. You can’t complain and not try the exercises. And they really need to be done everyday, not when you “get around to it.”
Others aren’t so forgiving
The new crop of “Doctors of Physical Therapy” don’t have as much of a sense of humor. They find nothing funny in the fact that you did not listen to them, and are not following their “evidence based medicine.” They don’t like it when your eyes gloss over, when being lectured about the latest study saying that your pain is not real (maybe empathy training should be reserved for new grads).
While you’re being lectured, your thinking about how you busted your butt for 40 years, and this introverted, device addicted, $8 soy latte sipping, EV driving Poindexter hasn’t worked hard with their manicured hands for one day in their life…
I get it. When I’m retired, I don’t want to listen to some punk 1/3 my age lecture me on healthy lifestyles.
I’ll save you the trouble. Do something to avoid seeing us.
As you've mentioned this yourself Mike... The doctor thing with physio... I come across these people online. I find this title very misleading. These are people with PhDs in physiotherapy studies not MDs. I wouldn't be running around calling myself doctor if I were them, it's confusing and muddying. Just my view.