This is not nutritional or medical advice.
I haven’t eaten bread for about 8 years, because I’ve had some issues where I couldn’t tolerate it. I didn’t like calling it a gluten problem. It doesn’t really matter what it’s called, because the medical community wasn’t able to help. In fact, they made the problem worse.
I went to 3 different gastroenterologists and had 3 colonoscopies over the past 20 years. Only one doctor asked me what I was eating. Any pharmacy meds made the problem worse.
My wife and her cooking helped the most. I just avoided flour for many years. That also fixed my reflux issues. I can now drink coffee and wine without reflux. It was the heavily processed flour, like store bought doughnuts.
Why sourdough?
I recently tried some of her sourdough bread. Not only do I tolerate it, but feel even better eating it. Maybe it’s just a high from carbohydrates.
There are many theories. Maybe the fermentation process breaks down gluten?
My personal responsibility
If you’re a regular reader, you know that I’m always bitching and griping about the medical industry. But how much of my problem was caused by my choices? Hindsight is easy.
I blame the industry for not helping me, but I wasn’t helping myself either. Drinking cheap beer, and eating a bag of store bought cookies was probably not the best thing for my gut.
Most of my job involves making people use their muscles, when they refused to use them on their own.
Weight loss
Recently I realized that most of my processed meals were breakfast. I was eating cereal and drinking sugared instant coffee mix, not bean coffee. I was always hungry again after an hour.
I also wanted to gain weight. So I started eating eggs and sourdough toast everyday for breakfast. But the opposite happened. Same for my wife. We’ve both lost 5 pounds in 2 months.
All of this is an anecdotal story, and proves nothing. All I know is that I can eat bread again, and it tastes like heaven.