This is not medical advice.
I’m very excited to announce the arrival of new technology on the market. These new AI joint and back braces do the following;
Old braces are passive, and just conform to the area. The new AI braces move with the body and adjust to different lengths.
New AI braces have feedback with joint position sensors (proprioception) and adjust tension based on joint position.
The new AI braces have multiple areas of tension that adjust on the fly. For example, one side of the brace will fire at say 28%, for 2 milliseconds, and then gradually lengthen with tension as needed.
The new AI braces get stronger the more you use them, and conform better to the joint over time.
The new AI braces communicate with the computer and will improve overall balance.
Increased usage of these braces also improves bone density. This is a staggering development.
Sadly, these new AI braces deteriorate without usage, and begin to sag and atrophy.
If you rip or tear your new AI brace, sometimes the material can heal itself depending on the size of the tear.
The battery requires decent nutrition and water…
Oh wait, sorry. I’m not talking about future AI technology. I’m talking about the braces you already wear, they’re called muscles.
You probably started to guess near the end. The AI is our brain.
But how many people could I have fooled in the general public to buy these?
Make no mistake, these AI braces will be here shortly, and many of us will buy them to take the shortcut. Just like NOzempic.